
In the beginning of the 20th Scentury the silk merchants of Chak Islam pore, Berhampore and Mirjapur rendered their service for the survival of this industry in their own ways The names that come first of all are those of Chandrakantaaha and Lalit Mohan Saha, the two brothers of village Chak Islam pore. The eldest one resided in Calcutta for the purpose of the promotion of the marketing of the silk goods and the younger brother resided at Chak Islam pore with the sole object of silk production. This division of work could not improve the prospect either. So they began to think of other avenues. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, lunched his famous Non-Co operation Movement in 1921. He stressed the importance of the production of indigenous good and the boycott of foreign goods as well.

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In the pre _ independence days of India, the British trade and Commerce policy ruined the indigenous industries Muslin and Silk industries were not exception to this. It was due to first and second world wars, world economic depression in the 30s that these industries suffered tremendous set- back . In the days of foreign rule, famine was a frequent occurrence. Famine caused set- back to Silk Industries. As an after – effect of famine, the Peasants took to Production of paddy instead of that of mulberry plants to feed the silk Worms. Artificial synthetic silk was imported and it was a hindrance to the growth of the indigenous silk industries.

In the beginning of the 20th century the silk merchants of Chak Islam pore, Berhampore and Mirjapur rendered their service for the survival of this industry in their own ways. The names that come first of all are those of Chandrakanta Saha and Lalit Mohan Saha, the two brothers of village Chak Islam pore. The eldest one resided in Calcutta for the purpose of the promotion of the marketing of the silk goods and the younger brother resided at Chak Islam pore with the sole object of silk production. This division of work could not improve the prospect either. So they began to think of other avenues. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, lunched his famous Non-Co operation Movement in 1921. He stressed the importance of the production of indigenous good and the boycott of foreign goods as well.

The Saha brothers of Chak,i.e. Chandrakanta & Lalit Mohan Saha had their business in silk from long past. They established contact with the renowned personalities like Shri Satish Chandra Dasgupta, popularly known as Bengal Gandhi Hema prabha Dasgupta, Annada prasad Chowdhury and the Secretary, the All India Spinners Association, Shri Shankarlal Banker and through them they were able to draw the attention of Mahatmaji to the importance of silk industry in the country's economy . It may be mentioned in this connection that Shri Kalipada Chowdhury, father of the former secretary Shri Nanda Kumar Chowdhury of this Samity and son- in -law of Shri Lalit Mohan Saha played the most significant role as liaison between the Saha brothers and the great personalities along with his associate Shri Arun Krishna Ghosh. They acted as the spokesmen of the Saha brothers.

The Saha brothers of Chak,i.e. Chandrakanta & Lalit Mohan Saha had their business in silk from long past. They established contact with the renowned personalities like Shri Satish Chandra Dasgupta, popularly known as Bengal Gandhi Hema prabha Dasgupta, Annada prasad Chowdhury and the Secretary, the All India Spinners Association, Shri Shankarlal Banker and through them they were able to draw the attention of Mahatmaji to the importance of silk industry in the country's economy . It may be mentioned in this connection that Shri Kalipada Chowdhury, father of the former secretary Shri Nanda Kumar Chowdhury of this Samity and son- in -law of Shri Lalit Mohan Saha played the most significant role as liaison between the Saha brothers and the great personalities along with his associate Shri Arun Krishna Ghosh. They acted as the spokesmen of the Saha brothers.
Gandhi would not agree to include this silk industry in the Khadi Industries as it was not free from violence still persuasion continued,and at last Mahatmaji came to realize through investigations that the silk worms would have had natural death even without human agency and that a god many artisans and weavers are engaged in this industry. He was pleased to accept it as a Khadi Industry in 1925. To the Saha brothers this Silk business turned into a Swadeshi Business and hand – woven silk fabrcs become to the rank and file of Chak village the mantra of winning independence. Spinning of cotton yarn was also introduced in that village and came to also introduced in that village and came to be recognized as a means of struggle for independence.
The Samity can take pride on the glorious attempt and achievement in the revival of Muslin Industry also. Today through its constant endeavour, the Samity produces 500to 600 count very fine Muslin yarn and Muslin fabrics are produced from that yarn. The name of Late Kalicharan Sharma whose life long endeavous caused the revival of the ancient Muslin Industry deserved respectful mention.
Our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehu's inspiration and Dwarakanth Vishnu Leleji's enthusiasm helped the restoration of the glory of Muslin Industry. Khadi Gramodyog commission selected tow places in India for Muslin Production, one was at the Pandura Village under the district Srikakulm in Andhra State and the other was village Basua in Birbhum district of west Bengal. Sri Kalicharan Sharma engaged himself in the production of superfine Muslin yarn and soon found that the day climate of Birbhum was not suitable for the production for such yarn. Now he choose the village Chak Islam pore as his work center.Chandrakanta Lalit Mohan Resham Khadi Samity gave him the scope for his research. Initially he was able to produce with his Kishan Charkha 200 count yarn. Afterwards he succeeded in the production of 250 count yarn, a wonder at that time with his six spindled Ambar Muslin Charkha of his wan making. This Samity can Pride that it is the nursery of New Muslin. Following the ingenious path of Sharmji many a Khadi Institution of Murshidabad and to her distrct took to the production of Muslin yarn and its gradual development .
In 1955 All India Spinning Competition was held in Bombay [now Mumbai] and the first batch of girl spinners of this Samity joining the competitio highly impressed the local gentlemen with their wonderful spinning of superfine yarn. The next morning all the dailies of Bombay brought out the headlines that the spinning of muslin yarn of ancient fame was a possibility and that the spinning has already commenced. In fact that day ushered in anew era of Muslin Spinning.
To put in briefly Shri Lalit Mohan Saha constituted new Society entitled CHANDRA KANTA LALIT MOHAN RESHAM KHADI SAMITY' on 19-07- 1954 last under the Society registration Act of West Bengal Government, bearing the registration No. 21751/ 191 which had the Khadi Certificate No. BGL/225 on 8th May, 1955, from the Akhil Bharat Khadi & Village Industries Board. Lilit Mohan Saha was the founder Secretary and Shri Kalicharan Sharma a lifelong devotee in revival of Muslin was the founder president of the samity Shri Lalit Mohan Saha devoted himself to the production of silk Khadi on a new phase and with a determination for a new dimension. After the demise of Lilat Mohan Saha, Shri Nanda Kumer Chowdhury took the great responsibility as Secretary to run the flagship of the Khadi Programme of the Samity to its great esteem. All the admiration, praise and achievements of the Samity during his regime brought the whole Khadi Jagat and Khadi Commission for the best functioning Institution of India on 10th April, 1999, at New Delhi. On 26th March 2006 due to protracted illness and old age he relinquished the responsibility and then Shri Pranab Kumer Chowdhury, one of the General Body Member became secretary of the Samity upto 2010 and on 17th December 2010 Shri Nityananda Chowdhury has been elected new Secretary of the Samity and since then he is continuing the duties with full responsibilities.